Thursday 30 October 2008

The Beginning

It's been five weeks and a day since I moved into my room here in Aldis at the London School of Theology.

It's been just over four weeks since the new students arrived and brought this place to life again after a long three-month summer.

Today many of them handed in their first essay.  It's been good to watch them as they have settled in, struggled, overcome, succeeded, and many more things - in four short weeks.

It is exciting to see them give a new lease of life to the college, and to bring all the enthusiasm that they do.  I smile deeply, and think long about my first year here - and regret that I can't stay to watch them develop through their time.  To grow with them, to help them through, to celebrate their successes.

We are the generation that can change the world.  But let's all pray we don't get lost in the mire of post-LST oddities, and keep focussed upon Christ.

It's been a good, good start.  Here's to the next eight months.

New Blog

I've got a new blog.  The link is on the right - called 'Attempting Creativity'.

It is going to be full (ish) of stuff I've written - poems and such.

Currently mainly old, but with some new stuff on its way.

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