Sunday, 26 April 2009

A Clear Desk is a Clear Mind...



A week and a half until deadline day - nearly finished a full draft.  Then it'll be copious amounts of editing right up to the end.  Here comes the final push!

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

A New Term.

By midnight tonight I will be back at college, back in Aldis, unpacking.  It's a new term.

Some key events:
-Dissertation due 6 May.
-Exams in early June.
-Continuous job seeking.
-3 Weeks off.

In 2 1/2 months the LST journey will have settled at it's last port.  

Each term is very different to any other.  This will be no different.  So, ladies and gents, the end is nigh!  Here's to ending honourably....

Friday, 10 April 2009

Easter in Aldis - The Missing Days

With the plan to blog my way through Easter, informing everyone of the ongoing struggle to defeat the dissertation, I began in earnest on Day One (quite naturally), and then on what was Day Four, I wrote about Day Two.

And that was about it.

Essentially, each day ran much as the last.  In the library soon after 9am, working on the Project with as much effort and motivation as I could muster.  Finding food for the evening from somewhere or other, and getting to bed not too late in order to do the same again the next day.

But now I'm home for the weekend.  And have been markedly more productive, which is nice.  It has been a good Good Friday.  The reminder to me being that Christ, his death and resurrection is far, far bigger than my dissertation will ever be.  Ever.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Upper Booth - Peak District

The stream at the bottom of our campsite.

View from the highest point in the Peaks.

View from the edge of the peat bogs. 

Steve, Ben, Dave, Tim.  Walking up Jacob's Ladder.

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