Friday, 12 March 2010

How should we be missional?

Helder Camara says this:

"Instead of planning to go to the Third World to try and arouse violence there, stay at home in order to help your rich countries to discover that they too are in need of a cultural revolution which will produce a new hierarchy of values, a new world vision…"

[in Church and Colonialism (London: Sheed & Ward, 1969), p. 111.]

Is this right? Does our country need us more than other countries do?


Elizabeth said...

I'd say there is an element of truth in there, but how much, I don't know?

Isn't mission in our times seen more along the lines of building relationships with the community in which one is sharing the gospel with, making it relevant to them etc. As opposed to some previous 'missions' where our culture was imposed upon others?

David said...

I suppose if you were being missional at home in order to be missional abroad it would have some value. But we need both/and, not either/or.

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