Thursday 29 April 2010

Election debate - Closing Opinion

Well, that was a far more fiery debate.

BBC did us proud, and gave us the best debate yet (also helped by the main issue!). How did they all do? Well, here's my thoughts:

Cameron - He appeared more assured on the stage. His answers, however, left a little to be desired. He focussed mainly on attacking the Labour policies as opposed to actually proposing anything substantially new.

Brown - A man on the edge. He changed tack in this debate, and it showed. He seems to be severely worried by the recent polls. I do believe this is the last week of his Premiership.

Clegg - in my opinion he won. He was brave in proposing policies that are likely to be controversial and defended them well. He was also very willing to take the game to Cameron and Brown. This is the Lib Dems election - if they don't get somewhere quite substantial in a weeks time, then the country clearly doesn't like the colour yellow.

A little less commentary than last week... but what did you think?


mel J said...

Thanks Tim. I am still unsure of who to vote for though!?! At least I have eliminated one... :-)

I think Brown has had a bad week, poor guy!

Chat soon!

John B said...

Here's my take on it;

Brown - To me it appears he has run out of time. Kept going on about how he was going to address the key issues when they've had 13 years to do that.

Doesn't seem to have anything positive or new to say.

Seems rather desperate to me when attacking the other two, seems to play too much on the fear of trying something new.

Nick Clegg - Has said a lot of good things, however I don't feel he is decisive enough with some of the things he says.

I am concerned by how some of their policies might affect this country.

I find myself questioning the logic behind a fair few of these policies. Throughout these debates I think he has gone a bit OTT on being different from the other two.

David Cameron - Personally I believe he is ready to lead this country. I have been impressed by how he has talked about his values.

Thoroughout the dabates I think he has been the closest to reality.

I would say he has the fresh ideas and policies along with these core values,which can start to get this country moving in the right direction again.

I think he recognises the deep underlying problems that we face as a country.

I feel we need strong decisive leadership at the moment and that is what I think he will give.

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