Sunday, 31 August 2008

On What Happens When Education Finally Comes To An End...

"Man Up!"

My own voice booms hauntingly through my mind.  I've been in education since I was five years old.  When I graduate next June, I will be twenty-two.  A full seventeen years of my life have been in preparation for what I will do next.  

"Oh! My."

The second sentence to go booming through my head.  This is scary. Positively frightening. What do you do when you come to the end of what you've been working towards?

"You man up!"

My head echoes with my own answer, and I know it's the right one.  Now is not the time for pussyfooting around, attempting to keep hold of some sort of youthful innocence and irresponsibility.  No, now is the time to stand up. Now is the time to put the foot onto the water and, looking straight ahead, begin to walk.

"Christ, teach me to have faith."

Amen, I say audibly, repeating the prayer over and over in my mind.

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