Thursday, 19 March 2009

The end of the proverbial era......

Cast your mind, if you would, back to the 20th March 2008.  On this day, the day after our term at London School of Theology had ended, I flew off to India to the adventure awaiting me.

As I flew I was officially the President of the Student Committee at LST.  I had two thoughts: Firstly, that it would be challenging.  Secondly, that I didn't know how challenging it would be.

But today, the 19th March 2009, I sit at my desk at home and consider the year.  My responsibilities now passed on to another, and being released from them has yet to hit.  My successor is worthy, fresh ideas, new approaches - he will lead well. 

And as I remember the challenges, I also remember the joys.  We've done it all - put on events, raised money, given money, been reconcilers, sat in committee meetings, board meetings, meetings with funny names, been representatives for a variety of people and a variety of needs, been guided by a vision, put our hearts on the line for the SB, seen it's ugly face, seen it's beautiful face, developed friendships, made mistakes, learned from them, listened to the people, informed the people, infiltrated the Moon, been supported by brilliant reps.

There is not anything from the past years experience that I regret happening.  I have enjoyed it all.  Yes... all.  It truly has been a joy to represent a body of students of the stature of the LST Student Body.

And so, to Tom, Helen, Sam, Scott, Emma, Luke, Ruth, James and the whole of the SB... thank you.


David said...

It has been a pleasure and privilege to be under your servant leadership. Thank you for it all. It's been immense.

Oh, and come back soon.

Helen Crawford said...

Don't make me cry!

Tim Goodall. said...

I know... I was close to when writing.

Back sometime Sunday night... make sure the kettle's on...

Elizabeth said...

I utter everyone else's thoughts... Thank you for all your hard work Tim!

I return Monday evening - with home made buns :)

Anonymous said...

What year, what a team.

We did it (with guidance from Heavenly Dad)!

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