Friday, 5 February 2010

The Big Essay Push - Days Four and Five

This morning I had to pay our electric bill to E.ON. Nothing strange there. However, I was spoken to by a computer with a female voice, and I had to have a conversation with this female computer (telling her my bank details etc.) - suffice to say the conversation did not flow. Bizarre.

A friend of mine, Mark Tatton, recently recommended some music to me... Kilmory Day Trip. You should now stop reading this, open up a new tab, and listen to them - especially their song 'You Are' - then come back and continue reading this as you listen.

You should also check out Mark's photography, here.

Another recent discovery is Christian Audio. They give away a free audio book, and this month it's Mark Driscoll's book 'Religion Saves: And Nine Other Misconceptions.'

So, the essays...

Yesterday was great between 9am and 1pm. Then I crashed, having worked for a week and a half with no day off. Before I crashed, however, I managed to reach my 'Day Four' target - so it's not all bad. I've taken today off - went and saw Dave Marriott which was great.

So the plan is to have an early night tonight and finish the essay by the time I go to bed tomorrow. Not an easy task - keep me in your prayers.

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